Working maquette for future large scale work. Plasma cut steel, rotisserie chicken motor, steel, brick, wood, patina. 20.5” w x 19.5” H x 7 More We, Less Me was made to intend to teach or remind individuals about the 30 Article of Human Rights signed in 1946 with the USA and many countries as a response to the atrocities of WWII. This is my proposed piece for public art as a response to our social unrest.A reminder to those who fail to see themselves in the eyes of one another. October 2020.

Working maquette for future large scale work. Plasma cut steel, rotisserie chicken motor, steel, brick, wood, patina. 20.5” w x 19.5” H x 7 More We, Less Me was made to intend to teach or remind individuals about the 30 Article of Human Rights signed in 1946 with the USA and many countries as a response to the atrocities of WWII. This is my proposed piece for public art as a response to our social unrest.A reminder to those who fail to see themselves in the eyes of one another. October 2020.

Working maquette for future large scale work. Plasma cut steel, rotisserie chicken motor, steel, brick, wood, patina. 20.5” w x 19.5” H x 7 More We, Less Me was made to intend to teach or remind individuals about the 30 Article of Human Rights signed in 1946 with the USA and many countries as a response to the atrocities of WWII. This is my proposed piece for public art as a response to our social unrest.A reminder to those who fail to see themselves in the eyes of one another. October 2020.

size: 6’. Individual pieces : 10.5” l x 37/8” w x 4.5” H

size: 6’. Individual pieces : 10.5” l x 37/8” w x 4.5” H

size: 6’. Individual pieces : 10.5” l x 37/8” w x 4.5” H

Honoring Teachers who teach the weapons of fortitude individuals need to succeed. Repurposed trench coat, wood, hardware. 40” L x 32.5”w x 14”d 450.00

Honoring Teachers who teach the weapons of fortitude individuals need to succeed. Repurposed trench coat, wood, hardware. 40” L x 32.5”w x 14”d 450.00

Honoring Teachers who teach the weapons of fortitude individuals need to succeed. Repurposed trench coat, wood, hardware. 40” L x 32.5”w x 14”d 450.00

Steel Wire on Marble 12.5” D x 6” w x 9.25” H

Steel Wire on Marble 12.5” D x 6” w x 9.25” H

Wood, copper flashing copper tape, electrical wire, buzzers, batteries, tweezers, acrylic 32”H x 36 ⅞” W x 58” L Designed to reduce division in our Nation and to educate the user about the history of America's current events which date back to the 1600s. Each game piece has an accompanying game card that states historical facts. The goal is to understand our Nation's issues predate the current administration.

Wood, copper flashing copper tape, electrical wire, buzzers, batteries, tweezers, acrylic 32”H x 36 ⅞” W x 58” L Designed to reduce division in our Nation and to educate the user about the history of America's current events which date back to the 1600s. Each game piece has an accompanying game card that states historical facts. The goal is to understand our Nation's issues predate the current administration.

Wood, copper flashing copper tape, electrical wire, buzzers, batteries, tweezers, acrylic 32”H x 36 ⅞” W x 58” L Designed to reduce division in our Nation and to educate the user about the history of America's current events which date back to the 1600s. Each game piece has an accompanying game card that states historical facts. The goal is to understand our Nation's issues predate the current administration.

Wood, copper flashing copper tape, electrical wire, buzzers, batteries, tweezers, acrylic 32”H x 36 ⅞” W x 58” L Designed to reduce division in our Nation and to educate the user about the history of America's current events which date back to the 1600s. Each game piece has an accompanying game card that states historical facts. The goal is to understand our Nation's issues predate the current administration.

The Trumplemaker: 'Midnight Glow In The Dark Twitter' version. Gold Leaf added to details.

The Trumplemaker: An interactive amusement toy. Surface decoration shows what is "on" his mind. 20 sided die inside describes what is "in" his mind. Cast plastic, gold leaf. Internal: 20 sided 3-d printed die, liquid, plexi, plastic.

The Trumplemaker: An interactive amusement toy. Surface decoration shows what is "on" his mind. 20 sided die inside describes what is "in" his mind. Cast plastic, gold leaf. Internal: 20 sided 3-d printed die, liquid, plexi, plastic.

The Trumplemaker: An interactive amusement toy. Surface decoration shows what is "on" his mind. 20 sided die inside describes what is "in" his mind. Cast plastic, gold leaf. Internal: 20 sided 3-d printed die, liquid, plexi, plastic.

Sunglasses, copper wire 9" x 9" x 9" (Sold)

15" x 4.75" x 4.75" (Sold)

Inside We Are All Alike 28.75" x 24" x 24"

21.5" x 41" x 15.5" $450

Cut paper from a World Book (Sold)

Slumped glass, copper wire, frit 5" x 5.25" x 1"

24" x 24" x 18"